Michael Jerryson
Author, Professor, Speaker
An expert on religion and violence, Michael Jerryson has published extensively on comparative religion, religion in South and Southeast Asia, and Buddhist traditions.

Michael Jerryson
Religion and Violence
The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence
After serving in the Peace Corps in Mongolia, Jerryson has spent over 20 years investigating religion, violence, and under-explored Asian practices and beliefs.
Featured Publication
If You Meet the Buddha on the Road
Addresses one important absence in the study of religion and violence: the religious treatment of violence. In order to pursue an understanding of the relationship between Buddhism and violence, it is important to first explore how Buddhist scriptures and followers understand violence.
Drawing on Buddhist treatments of violence, Michael Jerryson explores the ways in which Buddhists invoke, support, or justify war, conflict, state violence, and gender discrimination. In addition, the book examines the ways in which Buddhists address violence as military chaplains, cope with violence in a conflict zone, and serve as witnesses of blasphemy to Buddhist doctrine and Buddha images.